Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Day 3: Finishing Coco's Mom's House

Today we completed our mission, finishing Coco's mom's house.  We touched up the overhang, painted the porch and steps, and landscaped the yard.  Coco worked with us all day again, and was generous enough to lend us her radio...

The music kept us going, our group is awesome in that we literally whistle (or sing) while we work.  We tell jokes, learn about one another lives outside of AmeriCorps.  We all get along well and take the time to teach each other tricks of the trade. Our group leader, Geranamo is great as well.  He's from Mexico, has a daughter, and plays the guitar.  He's always asking us questions and making fun of the things we do, he takes part in our conversations, and picks on everyone.

The final product was amazing, and once we'd finished, Coco's mom came out to admire her "new" house and thank us for our work.  It's incredible to be able to see the difference and know that hopefully we helped inspire the community to continue revitalizing. 
Here's the crew, Coco is in orange.
The crew and finished project, Geranamo is in the blue on the left.
The dancing continued in the car...
A visit to the Civil Rights Museum was on the agenda.   The museum was awesome.  It was done really well and everyone came out knowing a lot more about the history of Birmingham.   Across the street from the museum is the Sixteenth Street Baptist Church, where in 1963 the KKK killed four little girls by bombing the church.  The whole experience was quite breathtaking and a bit overwhelming.  History is often hard to take in and even harder to understand, especially human nature, but it makes us contemplate, what have we learned?  There is still so much work to be done, and it makes us realize how important even the little changes we are make, create a difference.

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